Feature Story

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People die when the sophisticated medical care they need can't reach them in time to keep them alive. TEES engineers and computer experts are working to change this, refining wireless communications technology to bring life-saving medical care to trauma victims in places beyond the reach of conventional emergency rooms. And doing it quickly enough to make a difference.

The TEES experts are drawing on the experience and skills of emergency medical technicians, physicians and engineers to combine sophisticated wireless digital data and image acquisition, compression, processing and communications management techniques into a reliable, easy-to-use package that will fit into conventional ambulances.

Eventually, this Digital EMS collaboration will allow physicians to advise distant emergency medical technicians on advanced life-saving therapies, provide instant access to patients' medical records, and regional ambulance and hospital availability so each patient can be transported to the appropriate facility in the shortest time.

The TEES engineers expect the high-capacity digital communications system also will be installed in trauma helicopters. Eventually it will be used to enhance emergency care at small rural hospitals.

This life-saving technology is more than just a digital dream. TEES is testing it now, both in the laboratory and in prototype Interact ambulances on the road in Liberty County.